Ophthalmic Equipment and Devices Catalog

Our instruments are




Our state of the art instruments setup helps more accurate diagnostics of your eyes

At Krishna Netralaya, we employ top-notch, high-quality machinery to ensure exceptional care for our patients.

The fresh and brand new instruments helps in enhanced precision and more targeted treatment of your eye-related concerns.

Our Instruments Setup

As an ophthalmologist, you understand that being perceived as a credible medical professional relies on factors beyond your expertise and abilities.
That's where we stand out by making use of high quality, genuine and superior machinery. The end result is, increased accuracy in diagnosing eye problems.

Dr. Nikhil Govindwar
Krishna Netralaya, Nanded

Catalog of Ophthalmic Instruments for Eye Care

Slit Lamp Stereoscopic Biomicroscope

A slit-lamp, a specialized magnifying microscope, is employed for the detailed examination of the eye's components. This device enables to direct a focused beam of light at specific areas of your eye from various angles.

Auto Kerato-Refracto Tonometer

This is Refractometer, Keratometer, Non-Contact Tonometer, and Pachometer. This is fully automated for efficient eye examination, It's also used for accurate and Reliable Refractive measurements.

Indirect Ophthalmoscope

The binocular indirect ophthalmoscope is a standard tool in eye examinations for retinal evaluation. This optical device is worn on the examiner's head and is employed to examine the peripheral regions of the retina

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